Adopted by President’s Cabinet 4/27/21


此策略的目的是为适当的使用和安全性提供指导 在十大正规网赌平台提供机密和敏感信息,这是必不可少的 遵守联邦和州法律以及佐治亚大学系统(USG) 需求.


EGSC数据安全和隐私政策是为了遵守数据安全而制定的 USG业务流程手册(BPM)第12节中定义的需求 USG Information Technology Handbook, the US Family Educational Rights and 隐私 法案(FERPA)、支付卡行业标准委员会以及其他适用法律, regulations and compliance 需求.


EGSC数据安全和隐私政策适用于所有使用“组织”的个人 data” as defined in the USG BPM Section 12.1 as: data managed in an information system by, or on behalf of, a USG organization. Organizational Data are information that 记录阅读、创造、收集、报告的事实、统计数据或信息; updated, or deleted by offices of the organization. Data may be stored electronically 或身体. Organizational data may reside in an organizational information system or a third-party system.

使用者(下称资料使用者)包括但不限于学生、 faculty, staff, external contractors, and visitors. This includes faculty and staff while serving as researchers or principal investigators.

Exclusions or Exceptions: 由于保护学生和员工的隐私和保密至关重要, 数据安全和隐私政策所涉及的唯一例外情况 legacy systems that are transitioning to the data-at-rest encryption.

Definitions and Acronyms from USG BPM

    • Unrestricted/Public Information 美国地质调查局保存的信息是否不能免于披露 under the provisions of the Open Records Act or other applicable state or federal 法律. 需要某种程度的控制来防止未经授权的修改或破坏 of public information. Examples include EGSC website, EGSC promotional materials, 等.
    • Sensitive Information is information maintained by a USG organization that requires special precautions to protect from unauthorized use, access and disclosure guarding against improper information modification, loss or destruction. Sensitive information is not exempt 根据《十大正规网赌平台》或其他适用州的规定进行披露 or federal 法律 but is not necessarily intended for public consumption. Example: departmental continuity of operations plans.
    • Confidential Information 美国地质调查局下属机构维护的信息是否受授权限制 十大正规网投平台信息的获取和披露,包括保护个人隐私的手段 and proprietary information. (44 USC Sec 3542) Confidential classified documents are 根据《十大正规网赌平台》或其他适用的规定免于披露 state or federal 法律. Examples include non-public proprietary, confidential information 以及包含社会安全号码、驾照等信息的文件 身份证号码,州身份证号码,个人身份证号码,学历 成绩及成绩.
    • 研究数据 is the recorded factual material commonly accepted in the scientific community as necessary to validate research findings. This includes (1) information from or regarding data sets used in research; unpublished proprietary information, preliminary analyses, 科学论文草稿,未来研究计划(2)同行评议或交流 with colleagues; personal and medical information and similar information obtained 来自或十大正规网投平台一项研究的参与者,其披露将违反 他们是否同意参与研究或是否提供信息可用于识别 a particular person in a research study. Research data is exempt from public disclosure 除非这些数据是公开发布的, copyrighted or patented.


    1. 所有资料使用者均须遵守EGSC所要求的所有现行资讯科技政策及程序 和美国政府.
    2. 资料使用者只会使用机密及/或敏感资料以支持 business EGSC has authorized the data user to perform. Data users will not use, disclose, 或出于官方以外的任何原因发布机密和/或敏感信息 EGSC业务. 
    3. 包含个人身份或敏感元素的研究数据(例如 (如社会安全号码),或专有的大学信息或商业秘密或 包括受控非机密信息或出口受控信息,必须 have adequate security protections and be treated as restricted data.
    4. 首席研究员有责任正确地确定分类 并提供适当的保护,以及任何额外的数据 security that may be specifically required under the terms of a sponsored program 协议(如《十大正规网赌平台》或《十大正规网投平台》中的规定) and Drug Administration’s electronic records regulation).
    5. 资料使用者明白本会保留对其施加法律及/或纪律处分的权利 在未经授权使用或披露机密资料的情况下,向资料使用者采取行动 and/or sensitive information. 
    6. 机密及/或敏感资料不得以任何方式转移予 persons who are not authorized to access that information. Users must ensure that 在保密和/或保密的情况下,每个目的地都有适当的安全措施 sensitive information is transferred from one location to another. 
    7. 机密信息在存储和传输过程中都必须加密,保持一致 with the USG Information Technology Handbook, Section 5.1.2、乔治亚州法律. 
    8. 机密和/或敏感信息必须以适当的方式存储和访问 学院提供的系统,只有在本地复制,如果加密或批准的安全 precautions have been applied to protect that information. Servers and other computers 存储所有的大学信息应该有一个数据保护策略,并 shall be regularly scanned for vulnerabilities and patched. 
    9. 禁止用户在云上存储机密和/或敏感信息 services not provided by the college. 
    10. 用户需要按照USG BPM定义存储所有机构数据 and above storage rules. Questions concerning data classification and storage should be directed to EGSC’s Data 安全 Officer.


EGSC保留权利,在其唯一的自由裁量权和不事先通知的数据 ,以暂时或永久撤销资料使用者查阅机密及/或机密资料的权利 敏感信息,如果它确定违反本政策的任何规定 发生. The data user understands and agrees that any unauthorized access or 披露机密及/或敏感资料可能使违法者受到 EGSC的纪律处分,包括行政或学生行为 review, termination or legal action. 

信息技术副总裁保留禁用系统的权利 帐户和用户帐户的活动如果不符合适用的法律和大学 政策.


信息技术副总裁或其指定人员将审查数据 安全 政策 annually.